BlueCielo Meridian Transmittal Management Module 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Processing submittals > Linking submittals to transmittals

Linking submittals to transmittals

If you receive a submittal file in response to a transmittal that you sent, you can link the submittal to the recipients of that transmittal. This indicates that a requested response has been received from that person. Submittals are not linked directly to transmittals.

To link a submittal to a transmittal:

  1. Select the submittal in the vault that you want to link to a transmittal.
  2. Click Document, point to Transmittal Management, and then click View Submittal. The Submittal dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Link to Transmittal button in the toolbar. The Submittal Senders dialog box appears listing the persons who sent the submittal.
  4. If the Submittal Senders list does not contain the name you want to associate the submittal with, click Add. The Select Transmittal Recipients dialog box appears listing all transmittals and their assigned recipients.
  5. Select a recipient name from the list of recipients of the transmittal that you want to link to the submittal and click OK. The selected recipient is added to the Submittal Senders list.
  1. To assist you with finding the correct transmittal, select or type options in the Filter group using the descriptions in the following table. Only the transmittals that meet the selected criteria will be shown.
Filter options
Option Description

Sent to

Shows only transmittals sent to the recipient selected from the list.

Sent between

Shows only transmittals sent between the selected dates.

Transmittal number contains

Shows only transmittals with an OrgTransNumber property value containing the typed text.

Open transmittals only

Shows only transmittals that have not been closed.

Show empty transmittals

Shows empty transmittals.


Click to refresh the transmittal list after selecting filter options above.

  1. Click Close.

Related tasks

Linking submissions to transmissions

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